

I have no idea what to write.

I could start these (hopefully) numerous posts with a bland “website’s up and running” or some introduction of myself, but the first is obvious and the second is redundant, because the only people reading this website — “website”, here, used loosely, because I don’t think the miniscule amount of content currently existing here is enough to qualify it as such — are those who already know me well enough that an introduction would be useless.

Figuring out the scope of this project seems to be the first thing I’d have to do to be able to move forward. What skills do I expect to better with my effort here? What sort of content, and in what style, will I create? Who for, and why?

The reason this website exists is a disinclination to forget. I started reading for enjoyment again sometime this March. One of my friends lent me his copy of The Martian, and after reading that, I realized how much I’d missed reading for fun. I borrowed some books from another friend, and after getting through some of them, I wanted to start keeping track of which I’ve read as well as tracking my thoughts on them. This would be doable on paper, but electronic formats offer so much more convenience, flexibility, and reliability, so I started a doc and kept track that way.

I’ve been meaning to work on my creative writing abilities for a while now. As someone in college for hard STEM majors, those of my peers who don’t have a near outright disdain for it tend to recognize its value, but seemingly never enough to work on it. It would be hypocritical to judge, because me “working on” anything is probably minutes of effort interspaced by hours of unproductivity.

Somewhere along the way, I realized it wouldn’t be hard to combine those two. Creating this sort of a personal blog would better my creative writing, give me that space to track and discuss the books I’ve read, make me less clueless in web development, let me keep a progress log of my car, and have a place to put down some thoughts that run through my head. I don’t think it will ever be written for an audience besides myself, atleast not explicitly, because this is for personal use more than anything.

So that’s what this website (hopefully) will become. A catalog of things about books, stuff, cars, me, and everything in between. At some point, I plan on making it not look like trash, too.